Tan Zhongyi - Nana Dzagnidze Match 2018

Tan Zhongyi - Nana Dzagnidze Match 2018

Aug 11, 2018 – Aug 14, 2018

Wenzhou, China
11 - 14 August , 2018

Former Women's World Champion Tan Zhongyi vs.elite Grandmaster Nana Dzagnidze from Georgia.

Time control is 90 minutes for 40 moves, then 30 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30-second increment from move 1.

Round 1    Aug 11, 2018   07:00
Round 2    Aug 12, 2018   07:00
Round 3    Aug 13, 2018   07:00
Round 4    Aug 14, 2018   07:00