Leon Chess Masters 2020

Leon Chess Masters 2020

Jul 10, 2020 – Jul 12, 2020

The Leon Chess Masters Tournament will be held July 10-12, 8:30 a.m. PT, 17.30 CEST. 

It will have the following participants:

  • GM Leinier Dominguez (USA), FIDE rating 2758
  • GM Parham Maghsoodloo (Iran), FIDE rating 2676
  • GM Alexei Shirov (Spain), FIDE rating 2647
  • GM Jaime Santos (Spain), FIDE rating 2575

The tournament format consists of two semifinals, one of which is set to be played on July 10, whereas the other will be played on July 11. The winners of this round will face each other in the superfinal on July 12. The top seeds have the privilege of choosing their opponents for the semifinal. The colors for the first game will be determined by a drawing of lots taking place on July 9.

The time control for the four games is 20 minutes plus a 10-second increment after each move. In the case of a tie, two additional games of 5+3 will be played, and if the tie still remains, a final armaggedon game will decide the match in which colors will be assigned by chance.